Why Data Literacy?

On this page we'll discuss what Data Literacy is to many, the importance of reskilling, and why Data Literacy is critical right now.

For such a simple question, the answer is more complicated than it should be

Understanding Data Literacy

To many Data Literacy is:

  • Statistics

  • Data Visualization

  • Data Storytelling

  • Complex Algorithms

  • Data Ingestion

Or any job that works with data, frequently to responsibly translate the story data is telling and make informed decisions. If only Data Literacy were a set of skills a person could acquire, proceed past GO, and collect a well-paying job. The term Data Literacy is oversimplified. While all of these areas are parts of Data Literacy, they are only parts.

The majority of discussions you see today on data literacy are what I call “organizational data literacy.” I tell you this not to diminish its importance but to call attention to it. Data informed decision making is where every business needs to move toward, if they aren't there already. By acknowledging the distinction of Organizational data literacy, we can admit there are other forms of data literacy as well. Specifically, what I am calling “Individual data literacy.” Generally when we're talking in terms of organization data literacy, we will refer to "upskilling".

Individual data literacy is a focus on an individual's data skills, whether in or out of the workplace. When we discuss individual's lack of data skills today, this is where we start to discuss reskilling.

Data Literacy Today PDF

Skill-building and Data Literacy

Let's discuss two different types of skills-building: upskilling and reskilling.

Upskilling: This is building on a set of existing skills. Either through enhancing current abilities or augmenting with additional skills. Upskilling is typically how people grow in their careers, continually maturing existing skills. 

Reskilling: This is building a new set of skills. Typically, it is to support a switch from one career to another. Generally, these are skills a person has not had previously. Reskilling is what we see when people are in jobs where technology has made them redundant, but they still need to work for a living.

Why is understanding the difference between these two types of skill-building important? They represent what we see in the world today and why Data Literacy has become critical. Yes, data skills are essential for current jobs. Additionally, data skills are vital for every person. Especially individuals who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic, technology has made their position redundant, or a desire to thrive in today's climate. Indeed, there's a tipping point between redundant employment and the jobs of the future. The inflection point is technology and its related skills.

By 2027, 41% of the skills that employees will need to perform their roles effectively will change.

World Economic Forum - The Future of Jobs Report 2023 Skill PDF